The contract has a lock-in period of a given tenure as may mutually be agreed by the Lessee and lessor at the time of ordering. The rental can be extended based on the lessee requirement.

  1. In case of AC, a minimum contract of 6 months is compulsory and any foreclosure willnot be allowed except upon full payment of rent of the specified minimum period.
  1. In case of any household furniture, a minimum contract of 3 months is compulsory and any foreclosure willnot be entertained except upon full payment of rent of the specified minimum period.
  1. The contract can further be extended for the desired period by the lessee upon giving not less than 2 weeks prior intimation before the end of the lease period. However, extension of the lease period entirely depends upon the availability of the particular asset and at the sole discretion of the lessor.
  1. Lessee is requested to inform 2 weeks prior to their contract closing date for contract termination and initiate the pick-up of products. Upon any delay in the same, the Lessee would be liable to pay the due amount for product usage.
  1. The rental of the assets is dynamic and may change accordingly depending upon the availability, market demand and exposures. Lessor reserves all right to take a call on this matter and should there be any dispute, Lessor can cancel the contract and take back the items at any point in time. However, before any escalation in rental, prior intimation of 2 (Two) weeks will be given to the lessee.
  1. Verbal communications or SMS or any other informal way of communication shall not be entertained. The lessee is requested to contact only through mail to our respective team at juztrent@outlook.com.
  1. Empty threats / Verbal Abuses / Legal escalation hints shall be dealt with severely. This is to ensure that our executives are empowered while trying their best to serve you. The penalty can be up to a complete forfeiture of the deposit amount.
  1. Lessor has every right to terminate the contract and take back the items if we deem the lessee is misusing or being extremely negligent with the items.


  1. The invoice shall be raised by the Lessor on the1st day of every calendar month and the lessee is required to pay the same by 10th day of the same month (“Due Date”). Customer shall pay the rental charge as per the invoice raised.
  1. Payment made beyond the Due Date shall incur interest @ 24 p.a. If the rental along with the applicable interest is not paid within 30 days of the due date, the lessor will have the right to terminate the agreement, take possession of the assets and compensate all the liabilities with the Security Deposit.
  1. The Lessee shall make the payment of rental only through net banking, UPI or any other banking instrument only. Payment in cash would be allowed only under special circumstances.
  1. In addition to the monthly rental, the Customer shall pay a refundable security deposit (“Security Deposit”) equivalent to of 3(Month) rentals. The Security Deposit shall not carry any interest for the entire tenure. The Security Deposit shall be refunded to the Customer on the termination and after taking delivery of all the Products from the possession of the Customer.
  1. Once the final quality check is performed of the Products, and on being satisfied, the Security Deposit shall be refunded within 15-21 working days to the Customer.
  1. In case any damage is found in any Product, Lessor shall have the right to deductthe charges for the damages or monthly dues from the Security Deposit paid by the Lessee and shall refund the remaining amount to the Lessee.
  2. The Security Deposit shall be non-adjustable i.e. it cannot be adjusted against any monthly rental Or Late Payment Fee.5. The Security Deposit will be forfeited if the Lessee Terminated the contract before the compilation of the Contracted Tenure Period.


  1. On receipt of the order and the Security Deposit, Lessor shall confirm the order with the Customer by sending a confirmation (subject to successful verification of KYC) to the registered e-mail address of the Customer. In the event, any product selected by the Customer is unavailable, Lessor shall inform the same to the Customer. Lessor reserves the right to replace any product selected by the Customer in the event of unavailability.
  1. The order raised by the Customer shall be processed subject to successful verification of the KYC and serviceability of the Customer location as per Lessor Policy. In case the KYC verification is not successful, or the location is not serviceable by Lessor, Lessor reserves the right to reject the Customer’s order any time prior to delivery.


  1. The Subscriber allows the Company to access their credit information from Credit Information Companies in order to assess their creditworthiness and curate personalized products.
  1. Any and all personal data and financial information (including the credit score) whether relating to the Subscriber, its personnel, or other data subjects, shall be provided by the Subscriber to the Company in compliance with applicable data protection laws and the Subscriber, from the date hereof, permits the Company to process and transfer such data itself and by its branches, representative ones, subsidiaries, affiliates, legal and regulatory authorities, and designated third parties for enabling the Company to assess the offer made by the Subscriber or to undertake legal compliances (including inter alia undertaking KYC) applicable to the Company in relation to the proposed Subscription or providing services or Experiences to the Subscriber or for enabling the Company to manage the relationship with the Subscriber or undertaking statistical and risk analysis, reporting and for compliance with the applicable laws.

Business To Customer

  1. All prospective Customers of JuztRent must comply with the documentation and verification policy. Customers are required to Update the following documents during placing the order for their desired products.
  1. JuztRent reserves the right to cancel any order as per internal policies subject to documentation / Field verification.
  2. JuztRent might request additional documents on a case-to-case basis. The same will be notified via email and SMS.



  1. Pan Number issued by the Income Tax Department of India.
  2. Permanent Address document Number (Aadhar/DL/Passport/Voter Id

i. The name on the pan card should match with the order name

ii. Name on Permanent Address proof should match with the order name and pan name

iii. If the registered contact number is not linked with Aadhar or other documents Customer needs to click the photo and upload an original image of the document


  1. Pan Number issued by the Income Tax Department of India.
  2. Permanent Address document Number (Aadhar/DL/Passport/Voter Id)

i. The name on the pan card should match with the order name

ii. Name on Permanent Address proof should match with the order name and pan name

iii. If the registered contact number is not linked with Aadhar or other documents Customer needs to click the photo and upload the original image of the document

  1. Working Parent / Guardian Permanent address proof
  2. Working Parent / Guardian Contact Number


  1. On confirmation of the order by the Customer, Lessor shall deliver the Productsto the location specified by the Customer.
  1. In case the Lessee is unavailable at the time of delivery the Lessee shall appoint a representative (give an authorization letter) for taking delivery of the Productsand the same shall be communicated to Lessor prior to the delivery. The representative shall provide a copy of his/her ID proof and authorization letter from the Lessee to the delivery personnel assigned by Lessor.
  1. In case the Lessee is not present or has not assigned a representative for takingdelivery, at the location and a second delivery attempt is required, Lessor shall charge an extra delivery cost to the Lessee.
  1. Lessor shall inspect the quality and ensure that the Products are working and are in usable condition before the delivery of the Products to the Customer. The Customer shall ensure that the Product(s) is/ are as per the specification provided and are defect free. Any Complaint about the products after it is delivered will not be entertained and the lessee will be held responsible for the cost of damage.
  1. The lessee shall inform at least 2 (Two) weeks before shifting the assets to any other place. In such scenario, the lessor reserves the right to terminate or continue with or without any additional condition, the contract.
  1. The lessor shall be responsible to deliver the asset only to the main entrance. Use of elevator/lift shall be arranged by the lessee.
  1. In case the elevator/Lift facility is not available, the lessee will himself have to arrange proper means of conveyance for further installation/delivery. If the lessee agrees, the lessor may provide adequate support by way of

providing skilled labours, though that shall be additionally charged and the same shall be intimated to lessor beforehand.

  1. Modification in Orders upon delivery – No special requests shall be entertainedonce the items are delivered. Any special requests need to be raised upfront and Lessor reserves the right to either accept or decline any such requests.
  1. Any Cancellation of order after the items are out for delivery will result in levy of Shipping charges of Rs.1750/- which shall be borne by the Lessee and shall be adjusted against the depositamount or shall be paid separately.
  1. It’s the Lessee responsibility to ensure your belongings are taken care of duringthe delivery and installation of items. This is to safeguard the interests of you and the delivery team, so as to defer any miscommunication occurring at a later point


  1. The Lessee shall be responsible for any damage that causes to the Product or theft (including disappearance) or loss. The lessee shall be liable towards any repair and/or replacement cost of the Product. In the event, the Product is stolen or damagedbeyond repair, the Lessee shall be liable to pay Lessor the market price of the Product.
  1. The representative shall check all furniture items and appliances in order toascertain any damage to the items.

Damage shall be defined as follows:

Minor scratches (below 4mm in width and depth and 4 cm in length) onwooden furniture will be ignored as they are considered ‘normal wear and tear’

  • Minor Chips and breakages in timber (below 9mm in width 2mm in depth and 3cm in length) will be ignored, those above the said dimensions will be charged for.
  • Any damage which is a result of raw material or manufacturing defects will notbe chargeable to the Lessee.
  • Any damage that results in the product being unusable will result in the valueof the product being charged to the Lessee.
  • Tear in upholstery will result in charge towards replacement of upholstery.Opening up a stitched joint will not be chargeable.
  • Stains on upholstery which are not removable via dry cleaning will result in acharge for upholstery replacement.
  • The extent of damage would be ascertained by comparing against the qualitycontrol document signed by the Lessee and photographs taken on delivery.
  • Any variation showing damages, if ascertained as not caused by normal wear and tear, would be charged and would have to be borne by the Lessee.
  • A damage report (QC report) will be created on the spot and a copy will be handed over to the client. At the time of pick-up, a damage report will be generated as per damage policy. A clean chit or list of damages will be handed over to Lessee by representative of Lessor
  • Once the items are at premises of Lessor, they will undergo quality checks to determine the repair cost. Repair cost shall be adjusted and the balance amount from refundable deposit will be deposited to lessee’s account. The lessee shall supply his/her bank details to Lessor to process the refund. This might take 7-10 working days.


  1. Lessor shall provide maintenance of the Products delivered to the Lessee, for the entire duration of the Agreement or on request from the Lessee. Lessor shall provide cleaning (one time per year) of the furniture, only after completion of minimum 12 months tenure by the Lessee.
  1. The periodic maintenance shall not include any damage or breakdown due tomishandling by the Lessee.
  1. Lessor shall carry out the maintenance/repair of the Product within 2-4 workingdays after the request has been raised by the Lessee. Once the request is logged, we shall work towards solving the issue at the earliest.
  1. In the event, the issue is not resolved during repair, Lessor shall provide areplacement for the Product.
  1. Any additional cost incurred by Lessor during the maintenance and cleaning due to damages shall be borne solely and paid by the Lessee, either via onlinepayment or as advised by Lessor service representative.
  2. No external technician or personnel must be engaged without an email permission from Lessor. Lessor shall not be liable for any issues arising thereafter on the specific item and the Lessee will be liable to pay all costs forthe fix. Lessor has the right to bill the Lessee up-to the entire product value should there be a requirement.


  1. If there are no issues/ damages on the product and the report provides a clean chit to the lessee and the lessee has cleared all dues. The entire refundable deposit will be credited to the account of the lessee without any interest within 7 working days to the the same account from where deposit was received. For any changes in bank account details, the lessee is required to place a request to the lessor well in advance through the registered mail only. This confirmation will be also taken in writing at the time of reverse pick up after which the lessor will not be held liable for any further claims.
  2. In case of damage, the products will undergo further inspection at the lessor’s premises to ascertain the extent of damage and related costs. This damage cost will be mitigated from the refundable deposit and the balance if any will be paid to the lessee.


In the event, the Lessee does not wish to extend the rental period beyond the Agreement date, the Agreement shall terminate on last day of the rental term.

  1. Default of payment of rental dues or any other payment dues by the Lessee;
  1. Breach of any of the terms of this Agreement. Consequences of termination:
  1. Lessor shall have the right to take possession of the Products delivered to theLessee immediately;
  1. Any payment pending from the Lessee shall become payable immediately toLessor.
  1. The Security Deposit paid by the Lessee shall be refunded to the Lessee post the damage assessment of the Products, as per clause III of this Agreement.
  2. In case of termination due to non-payment of rental dues, the Security Deposit refund shall be determined subject to clause III of this Agreement.


  1. JuztRent Reserve the right to inspect the Product delivered to the Lessee during the term of the Agreement.
  2. Lessee shall ensure that the representative of JuztRent is provided with proper access to all the Products/premises for inspection.


  1. In case the Lessee wises to relocate or remove the Product(s) from the registered address, a request shall be made to JuztRent 2 (two) weeks prior to the date the Lessee wishes to relocate the Product along with the address proof of the new address.
  1. Once the request is raised, JuztRent shall remove or relocate the Product through its personnel only as per the mutually decided date with the Lessee. Relocation shall be subject to successful verification of the KYC of the Lessee’s new address and serviceability of the new location.
  1. In the event, the location is not serviceable by JuztRent, the same shall be treated as early closure of the Agreement and the rental dues shall be payable as per the tenure applicable at the given point of time.
  2. Relocation of furniture without the knowledge of JuztRent, shall be deemed illegal and will lead to immediate termination of the contract. JuztRent has every right to take away the items from the next location, with or without the consent of the lessee.


  1. JuztRent shall at all times during the term of this Agreement, retain title to and / or be the beneficial owners of the Products delivered to the Lessee, pursuant to the Agreement.
  1. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a transfer of ownership of the Products to the Lessee.
  2. The Lessee shall give immediate notice to JuztRent if any of the Product is about to become liable or is threatened with seizure and the Lessee shall indemnify JuztRent against all loss and damage caused by such action against its Products.


The Customer shall not assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement or the Products without the written consent of JuztRent. Any such transfer or assignment shall be considered as illegal and hence a violation of the terms of this Agreement. JuztRent reserves the right to assign this Agreement, to any third party (including credit rating agencies, factoring agents and NBFC) without prior notice to the Customer.


  1. The Minimum tenure of the Initial Rental plan for JuztRent Product may range from 3 months to 12 months depending upon the rental plan chosen by Lessee.
  1. In a case of early termination, the lessee can request for closing the order by informing Lessor 2 weeks prior to the selected closure date.
  1. Security Deposit shall not be given back to the Lessee as the Contract is being Terminated before Compilation.
  2. If Lessee taking appliances on rent for a particular period but Lessee want to return the goods before the completion for the period than customer Security deposit amount will be forfeit and rent will be calculated on the dynamic bases in which month Lessee leaving the product like 3 to 6 months or 6 to 9 months or 9 to 12 months. Whatever amount will come lessee have to pay.


This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of India and shall be subject to exclusive jurisdiction of courts in Kolkata.


JuztRent reserves the right to cancel any orders completely or partially before delivery without prior information & in such scenarios, we’ll initiate the refund process for the security deposit amount and the Customer will receive it in their source account within 7-10 working days. JuztRent reserve the right to revise the Term and Condition according to the feasibility.